Screen printing kit with a screen on which your images exposed

Screen printing kit with a screen on which your images exposed
I’ve taken allot of time to test and research good quality materials and provide the perfect equipment for screen printing on glass.
Includes the following.
High quality aluminium framed silk screen, yellow mesh 77T 23” x 32” which will have your images burnt on it using photosensitive emulsion. This screen will hold image with and are of 1xA3 and 1xA4 so plenty of room. More information below.
Screen printing medium for mixing your enamels, paints and stains powders with. Comes in a squeeze bottle for easy use.
One pair of screen printing hinge clamps
High quality 9” aluminium handled squeegee with sharp edged blade. Perfect tuned for glass printing.
Squeegee stand to keep your work station and blade clean while printing
Palette knife
A3 sheet of clear Vinal for stencil making
A3 clear transparency for your registration print
A large roll of low tac screen printing tape
Hardwood wedge for easily adjusting the height of the snap.
Email your images by wetranfer and receive a fully prepared screen ready for printing. All the photshop and transparency printing will be done for you. The screen will be coated in photosensitive emulation and your imagers burned on so you can focus on just printing on glass. I send you videos and images of the process to ensure you are completely happy with watts going on your screen before its made.
Up to 6 images on the available on a massive 38cm x 50cm canvas can be applied.
On purchase I can share image selection advice and liaise with you via email to produce outstanding images all prepared to print on glass.